Welcome to the IPI Website for the Study of Student Engagement! (December 2012) - Archived
The Instructional Practices Inventory is a teacher-led process for collecting data about student cognitive engagement during class time, for organizing the data into user-friendly profiles, and for faculty collaborative study of the data so classroom teachers can more effectively design and implement quality learning experiences for their students.
The IPI was developed in 1995-96 to be a component of a multi-year Comprehensive, Systemic School Improvement (CSSI) initiative for 10 elementary, 10 middle, and 10 high schools in the state of Missouri. The developers (Bryan Painter and Jerry Valentine) used the process with those 30 schools and realized the potential of the process to support instructional change. Valentine continued to use and refine the process as well as study the impact of the process on student ahcievement. Since that initial iteration, the use of the IPI Process has grown steadily. Today, more than 23,000 educators across the country have successfully completed the basic IPI Workshop so they could use the process in their schools or support the use of the process in schools they serve. Approximately 2500-3000 schools use the process to support their school improvement efforts.
With more than a decade and a half of use and study, we have learned that the IPI Process is best implemented by a team of teacher leaders. To be certificated in the use of the IPI Process, the teacher leaders and the principal must complete a full-day workshop. The workshop is designed to build the IPI Team's capacity to collect the student engagement data with validity, reliability, and inter-rater reliability; to organize the data for faculty study; and to develop key strategies for engaging their faculty colleagues in collaborative study of the data. Simply put, the IPI Team of teacher leaders is responsible for leading the process in the school. Our studies indicate that teacher-led data collection and collaborative study of the data at least three or four times a year has a positive significant impact on student engagement and higher-order/deeper thinking during class time. Further, implementation of the process with integrity is associated with increased student academic success on high stakes assessments.
Experienced educators know there are no magic wands to wave or stardust to sprinkle that will automatically improve student learning (and thus improve student academic success as measured by state assessments). There are no quick fixes or solutions to improving student academic success and there are no “one size fits all recipes” for school reform. Educators understand that improvement in student academic success is slow to evolve and extremely difficult to sustain. The IPI is but one of many processes that a school can use in its combined efforts to improve academic success for the school’s students, just as the IPI was one of many components in the CSSI project for which it was originally developed. The IPI is unique because it provides valuable engagement data profiles for collaborative faculty study and learning.
The IPI data also provide the basis for understanding the success of other initiatives to improve learning that are in place, or that will be put in place across the school. Initiatives designed to improve academic success should simultaneously impact student engagement as measured by the six IPI categories. Thus, the IPI data can serve as outcome variables to help a faculty understand the impact of new programs and program changes, professional development, and changes in support structures such daily schedules. The influence of those instructional interventions should be evident in the school's longitudinal cognitive engagement data profiles.
The IPI is based on six categories of engagement. The categories are not complex, but they are sophisticated enough to address key learning issues. Two categories provide data about higher-order/deeper thinking, another about teacher-led engagement, two others about student work that is not higher-order/deeper, and a final category provides data about disengagement from learning during class time.
With more than 15 years of data collection and study, we have learned that the IPI can be a viable strategy to enhance the nature of engaged learning during class time. If your school is already an IPI Process user, I invite you to explore the readings and supplemental implementation strategies. If you are new to the IPI Process, I invite you to explore this website and read about the categories and the processes for collecting and studying engagement as a faculty.
If you browse this website over time, you will notice that the "themes" featured on the home page will remain rather constant, but the stories will change periodically. When a more recent featured story replaces a previous story or a new research study replaces a prior study, the former will be maintained for reference in the Archives Section. The basic home-page themes are:
Current News and Thoughts
Teacher and IPI Team Reflections
Principal, District, and Support Staff Reflections
The IPI Technology Component
Research Findings and Implications
Recommended Resources and Readings
This IPI website went live in October of 2012. I trust it will be useful to those who wish to understand our work on student engagement and improve student engagement in the classroom. As is the case througout education, we will learn as we move forward and share what we learn through this site. Thus, this website will be in a constant state of revision to make it as useful as possible. Please feel free to share your feedback about how I can make the site more valuable to you and your school. My email address is ValentineJ@missouri.edu.
Jerry Valentine
October 14, 2012