Recommended Resources

The first recommendation for this edition is an exceptional book by John Hattie.  Hattie is an internationally respected writer/scholar whose most recent books rely on his syntheses of meta-analyses studies to define some of the most effective educational practices.  I am recommending his most recent book (2012) entitled Visible Learning for Teachers.  The other recommendation is a website and professional service entitled Education Week.  Many educators are familiar with EdWeek, but my discussions with educators indicate few know of the volume of information available through the EdWeek Newsletters and website. 

The full title of John Hattie's book is Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning.  The publisher is Routledge Press of London and New York City.  Throughout this book, Dr. Hattie shares some of the most powerful research findings available today about those factors that make a difference in student academic success.  And most importantly, those are factors over which classroom teachers have control/influence.  The book clearly defines those curricular and instructional practices that each teacher and administrator should know and address.   His research is scholarly, thorough, and readable.  The suggestions and strategies for teachers and faculty professional development make this one of the very best books available today.  This is a book to order online and read as soon as is replete with ideas and strategies that can make a difference in learning in the classroom and across the school and district.  This book is a must-read for teachers and school leaders and a must-study for faculties across the globe.   

Maintaining currency of knowledge is important for all educators who want to make a difference for their students.  The Internet provides the opportunity for currency  and breadth of knowledge as well as indepth information. There are, however, many varied sites to consider.  I consider Education Week one of the best available to maintain current knowledge in multiple fields and areas of education.  Much of the site if free and even the site's membership cost is nominal and a great value for the information provided.  Via email, you receive Ed Week's Update: Daily News and Insights that arrives "DAILY."  On a regular basis, you also receive the Research Advisor, a set of quality white papers usually grounded in evidence of best practices.  Likewise, the Teacher Update, the Digital Directions, Spotlight on...(Current Issues), and the Curriculum Matters newsletters are replete with information.  Ed Week also provides PD Webinars, and a TopSchoolJobs section. And as you would guess, there is the basic "weekly" online issue, with services and blogs and information too broad to detail.  I encourage you to go to and review the site, note the volume of free information, and consider registering and/or subscribing.  The value of the information provided through Education Week is well known, so if you are not a regular reader, I think you will find it worth exploring.

Jerry Valentine (September, 2012)